ghost hunting

Ghost Lab – Episode 2 – Tombstone

I tuned in for the second episode and found it to be about as quirky as the first one.

In this one they head off to Tombstone Arizona. Other groups like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures claim Tombstone is a hotbed of paranormal activity. Considering the violent and numerous deaths, they might be on to something. Zak and his group at Ghost Adventures even claim they may have caught some spirits in the “act”. Can the spirits still do that?

The Klinge brothers do a really quick investigation in the Bird Cage Theater. They don’t even seem to make it out of the main entryway. A speaker starts giving feedback and that’s enough for them to say the place is haunted. An “EVP” is recorded in which the brothers hear “Right Quick”. Personally, I hear nothing but static and of course them getting bleeped out. How do you know the speaker doesn’t have any power going to it? It’s not like they pulled the cord all the way out and verified it didn’t connect to anything. It also seemed to get more agitated when their lights got closer to it. Interference? Without going through the rest of the building they head outside to the trailer and start to analyze their trophies.

Then it’s off to the Crystal Palace where they seem to spend all of five minutes and declare the place haunted because of personal experiences.

No evidence is found in the old mineshaft so at least there aren’t any claims of a haunted miner; Scooby and Shaggy will be so relieved.

In Boot Hill they have motion detectors going off and then produce a picture of a shadow figure. This gets them excited and by that, I mean really excited. Good thing they didn’t have any guns or they’d be shooting them in the air. Perhaps they did in fact capture something on camera, perhaps it’s just a trick of light or a glitch with the lens. In either case it didn’t actually get them to spend a whole lot more time out there looking for more evidence.

It doesn’t seem like they spent more than two hours in any one place. And as soon as their equipment starts to record something the team races back to their trailer to analyze it rather than going further in and grabbing more evidence. Why aren’t they doing a full investigation and then tinkering with their toys once the sun comes up?

Just like before the evidence is pretty light but the team declares paranormal activity and hauntings. I’m not sure feedback through a speaker, static on a recorder and a grainy photograph justify that determination.

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Ghost Adventures – Season 1 and some Season 2


It would seem all the really cool kids have their own ghost hunting show on TV these days. They have become the crime dramas of a decade ago; every network needs to have one. Even though it’s been on for two seasons I just discovered Ghost Adventures on the Travel channel. With so many shows on the air each one needs a gimmick and these three investigators, Zak, Nick and Aaron lock themselves in with the spirits so there is no escaping. Further, they take a more direct approach to the spirit world with a lot of provoking and daring the spirits to touch, hit or slap them. It’s all fun and games until a spirit punches you right in the balls. Their locations are a little different too, they have chosen locations which seem to have a turbulent past, prisons, asylums, murder sites and battlegrounds, not just the cozy house down the street, so their methods may be somewhat appropriate.

Surprisingly, Zak is a rather good narrator. He seems genuinely interested and excited about the past and his voiceover work brings the story to life. He seems ready to jump into that demon hole, climb that rickety-assed staircase, or find out what’s behind the locked door. But I have to say, when they begin to find evidence, things take on a whole different atmosphere and the members of the high school AV club show themselves.

I have never heard the words “Dude!”, “I swear to God bro!”, “Oh my GOD!”, “What just happened”, or “Did you just see that?” yelled so frequently. After a few minutes it becomes comical. Isn’t this what you were expecting to happen? Why so shocked?

Further, as with so many of these shows now days, everyone is all badass to call out the spirits and dare them to do something, but when something happens, they completely soil themselves and go running out the room like a stuck pig, the camera shaking like a scene from Cloverleaf! If you’re going to taunt and mock the spirit world, it’s not a good idea to gasp, scream and completely lose it when you think you get some sort of response. Way too many times these guys go into hysterics when they hear noises or think they see something. If you are sitting in a junk filled attic and something behind you falls over, like say a doll or birdcage, calling for Jesus and hauling tail is going to make me laugh and shoot soda through my nose, not make me believe in the paranormal.

Even Zak has a tendency to jump like he got a cattleprod to the buttocks and practically falls over when he feels something. Try to keep your cool, it looks better on film.

And the evidence gathering? Well, that’s seems sketchy at best. Their methods are pretty goofy, the evidence is questionable, and I sure as heck don’t hear what they hear. I’m not saying they aren’t capturing something; I just have no idea what it is. Cold spots, orbs, flashes of light, or something falling over really isn’t evidence to me. You’re outside, there are flashes of lights from cars. Bugs look like orbs and make weird patterns on camera. Cold spots could just be a draft. Doors opening and all those pops and creaks could just as easily be the building settling. To me, the paranormal is something can’t be explained through normal methods. Everything I’ve seen so far has perfectly valid alternate explanations.

All of that aside, I still like the show and have fun watching. I watch these sorts of shows because of the places they get to visit not because I expect them to actually find anything that would be considered credible. I can’t say they’ve found anything noteworthy, unusual or even something that makes me scratch my head; it’s more they’re adding to the urban myth of a place. But they have style, so it’s all good.

So why do I keep watching these shows? Because they make me laugh, and I think it would be a great job to go running around abandoned buildings in the middle of the night with the chance you might get something creepy to happen. You wouldn’t have to ask me twice to come along on one of their adventures.

They’re still entertaining and I’m still watching Season 2 and the upcoming Halloween Special. I’m pretty excited these guys will have their Halloween Special, then Ghost Hunters will have theirs. At least I assume Ghost Hunters is having one since I haven’t read anything about it yet.

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