Demon of Brownsville Rd by Bob Cranmer – Review

The Demon of Brownsville RdThe Demon of Brownsville Rd caught my attention last year after a comment was made about Bob Cranmer and his experiences. I listened to several interviews and radio shows, but didn’t pursue the matter further. It sounded similar Amityville and with the repeated tagline, “it’s in the book”, I put the matter aside. The cost to hear this tale wasn’t worth it to me.

After Bob left a comment, I decided to have another look at his story. Although Bob offered to send me a book, I declined and went with the Kindle version with the additional purchase of the audiobook.

The narrative is broken into three parts, covering Bob’s background and events leading up to purchasing the house, the events that took place including investigations and evidence gathering and the final part with more details about the history of the house and resolution of events.

Part I describes Bob’s want to purchase the house and making an offer. This includes the classic tale of the previous owners need to sell quickly, accepting the first offer and rushing them through the sale process before any questions are asked.

Once the deal is done, we get information of a mad abortion doctor and his use of the house. This is coupled with a connection to the haunting of the doctor’s house and Bob’s visit to that same house years before.

We then have Bob’s involvement in politics to help clean up the town and multiple stories about the behavioral and emotional problems of his kids and his wife. This culminates in a fight between Bob and his son, who is on anti-depressants, wherein the police are called and Bob is arrested. We then have treatment at a psychiatric facility for his wife. All of this is brought on by the dark shadow that hangs over and dwells within the house.

Part II begins to chronicle the terrorizing events of the house. It is said that the sins of the house have led to this demonic infestation. This evil entity has caused his sons and wife to be on medication with his boys listening to dark music and dressing in a Goth fashion.

The paranormal events include things being moved, clocks not working, a crucifix being mangled, rosary beads being mangled, a flying CD, scratches and for the walls to start bleeding.

We continue to see both the mental state of his sons decline while their aptitude for violence increase. There are multiple fights with Bobby while Charlie is cutting himself and turns suicidal. His wife becomes reckless with spending and his grandson Collin is showing development issues because of the forces inside the house.

Part III brings in help from the Paranormal Research Society with Ryan Buell at the helm. With his help, Bob feels they find the lair of the demon hidden within the center of the house.

Bob also gets help from a Medium who reveals there are curses on the house from the workman who originally built it. It’s even stated that a worker from the mill that produced the house boards was killed and his blood stains the house.

Bob is also told the evil that inhabits the house has caused a ripple effect all through town. It is responsible for the mob related taverns and was at the heart of the first drive by shooting.

We continue to get more information about the abortion doctor and the blood of the innocents washed down the tub. This also comes with a vision of a woman in white, pictures being turned around, shadow figures and the constant smell of sulphur.

There is also a connection with the land as Bob learns about a massacre of a mother and her three children at the hands of the Native Americans. They are said to be buried on the property where an oak tree now stands. Through dousing rods and modern technology, they feel they have proof of a depression in the soil where bodies are most likely buried.

Despite all the setbacks, Bob believes himself to be preordained to fight this evil. As I mentioned in my original comments, this involves playing Passion of the Christ 24 hours a day and bringing in multiple sets of priests for cleansing rituals, prayers and mass. And through these rites they are finally able to overcome the dark forces and expel the evil from the home.

As part of the epilogue, we learn that much of the Medium work was relayed to Bob from a woman named Connie. She states, “You were killed there in that house and you were chosen to come back”. Bob has been reincarnated as he was first terminated as a baby in that house and has been chosen to tell the story. This explains the woman in the white dress he has seen several times.

She came to the doctor for help as she was pregnant from a relationship with a politician and needed to be relieved of her burden. This explain Bob’s connection to the house and why he has come full circle to save it.

After reaching the end, there is an aura of Amityville to this tale. It includes just about paranormal event we’ve heard of from sulphur smells, to 3 line scratches, to dark shadows to a woman in white. We even have a link to Native Americans.

And like Amityville, it raises a lot of questions. With so much going on, is this the work of a demonic or malevolent spirit? Is the land curses not only by the workers, but from the Native Americans in response to the encroachment of outsiders? Can the sins of the past manifest themselves as oppressive forces?

Or are there more earthbound explanations as to what happened in the house?

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