Ghost Adventures – Virginia City – S05E07

For this episode the guys are back in Nevada to revisit some of their favorite locations. This is where their ghost hunting adventures began and they keep coming back to unearth new evidence. They’re going back to the hotel where a woman committed suicide in the bathtub and the location where they feel they captured a disembodied arm. They also plan to investigate the Yellow Jacket mine, the scene of a fire that killed over two dozen men.

I have to admit, that was a rather uneventful episode. Considering the build up and lead in, I expected them to capture a lot more activity. The night came across as rather quiet. They previously claimed to get the sound of footsteps and a woman crying. When in room 11, they believe the capture some more energy in the form of orbs and feel they capture a voice on the Spirit Box. Zak spends a lot of time chasing around a Mel Meter spike. He believes there is spirit attaching itself to the flowers he brought in.

I was expecting an apparition and more sounds from the miners who lost their lives in the fire. Since this was a hospital it should be ripe with people willing to talk. It really didn’t come across that way. There may be some activity there, but I don’t think this episode showcased it. I was impressed by the kindler, gentler Zak who showed a lot of empathy and sympathy for the prostitute who killed herself in room 11. He even apologized for his earlier behavior where he mocked the spirit that slit it’s wrists. A lot has happened in those 7 years and I guess Zak feels some regret over those earlier investigations.

It was also interesting to see Billy come out for the investigation. He’s normally just a behind the scenes kind of guy.

I still enjoyed the history and stories of the place. Perhaps on the next visit the spirits will be more willing to make themselves known.

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Ghost Adventures – Lechtworth Village – S05E06

Letchworth Village, an institution for the care of the mentally ill. And like so many of these places, it had great intentions and then it all went horribly wrong. Patients were abused and outright neglected. They were left without clothes, they weren’t fed, medicines were mixed up and ultimately patients were left to fend for themselves. The footage is horrific and all you can think is, thank God they closed this place down. Some of the stories, especially the one about the collection of brains is shocking to say the least. This is the sort of thing you dream up when writing a horror story.

As the investigation is underway, they claim to hear staticy voices and feel the presence of trapped energy all around them. Zak feels that something is following him around. He even feels that a dark energy is clinging to him. On the digital recorder, he feels a voice says, "pray your god". It’s because of this he tries to separate himself from the rest of the group. As they continue on, they feel they capture a dark figure wandering around the building. Is this the person that spoke to Zak? Is he just seeing a trick of light?

The building is horribly decrepit and is coming down around them. There is no way you could be in there and have a feel of dread or even doom. The EVPs they capture are a mixed bag. Some you can actually make out some words, while others sound like the usual static. The shadow figure is interesting. I can’t quite jump on board with it though as car headlights or some other "trick of light" could cause the same effect. Perhaps there is something there, heavens knows the place has enough malicious energy.

This episode was downright depressing. I hope the place isn’t haunted. The idea that people would be trapped in such a shit hole is hard to imagine. I don’t know what to make of the evidence they did capture, but out of all the places they been, I think this ranks as one of the last places I would like to visit.

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Ghost Adventures – Lizzie Borden House – S05E05

Well now, this episode should shake some things up shouldn’t it? Zak and the team head over to the Lizzie Borden House to see if they can make contact with the victims and possibly identify the real murderer. As I mentioned before I’ve been curious about this episode since the Ghost Hunters went there and didn’t feel it had any activity. Right off the bat Zak has very different thoughts on the matter and puts out the idea that demonic spirits may have been the cause.

We start off the investigation with a lot of history and a tour of the house. Maybe it was just for show, but Zak looked a little nervous about the tour guide having a hatchet in her hands and it looked like he got the heeby jeebies from sitting on the same couch Mr. Borden was killed on. I suppose sitting in the middle of a crime scene could upset the balance in the best of us. It’s interesting how many people claim activity in the house though. The girls have felt that something was there. People feel an oppressive force is lurking around. A couple of mediums have been there and thought something was off about the house. Is there some support for dark forces at work?

Jeff Belanger brings up that there have been murders at the house long before Lizzie came along. A mother went mad and killed her child then slit her own throat. That’s some pretty gruesome business right there.

So we have several murders and a checkered past, do we have any evidence? Zak brings in several people for this investigation including a medium and they work to contact Mr. and Mrs. Borden. The medium claims she knows additional material about the murders. She puts out the idea that Mr. Borden was killed because of an improper relationship with daughter Lizzie. Mom was killed because she allowed it to happen. I’m sure it’s not the first time the idea has been brought up, but she claims she was told this from the spirit world. While the medium is bringing this idea up, they get some voices coming through the spirit box. They feel they get the phrase, "Tell them about the girl", possibly confirmation of the relationship. They also get some other words that lead them to believe they’re talking with the victims and that Lizzie may indeed be the culprit. The voices may also be saying Lizzie is evil. I have to say those EVPs sounds pretty dodgy to me. I didn’t make out any of the words they claim to have heard. I heard a lot of pops and squeaks and static. I personally think a lot of their confirmation was wishful thinking.

Then there is Zak, Nick and Aaron all feeling sick while talking to the spirits. That’s interesting, but I don’t think it’s indicative of anything. They also claim to get goose bumps when all of this is happening. Is this an evil spirit trying to make itself known or just them getting caught up in the moment of the gruesome murders?

There is also a flashlight that turns on while they’re talking. That would certainly make you jump, but is that proof someone is there? Using the flashlight as a means of communication has been used before, but I don’t feel it’s very reliable. I just feel there are too many earthly things that could cause that. The timing is very interesting though.

Further on in the investigation, Zak hears a drawer open on its own. That was pretty interesting because in the previous shot it does look like the drawer is closed. Too bad we didn’t capture something coming out of the drawer, but it does look like something is going on there. Is something rifling through the belongings? Perhaps something was being hidden?

When all is said and done, I don’t know how I feel about the Lizzie Borden House. I can’t say I latch onto the idea of demonic forces causing the events since people have lived there and spent the night plenty of times. I think there has been a lot of opportunity for a repeat performance if that were the cause. I can’t say I put too much stock in the EVPs either. Like so many of these, I’m just not hearing it. I don’t know if the guys captured solid evidence to prove it’s haunted, but then again, they didn’t disprove it either. I think this is another one of those situations where a multi-part investigation would be in order.

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Ghost Adventures at the Lizzie Borden House

This should be awesome, the GAC team is at the Lizzie Borden House this Friday. This should be especially interesting since Jason and Grant from Ghost Hunters didn’t really gather any evidence when they were there all the way back in Season 2. How do you think the evidence will compare?

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