Infamous Places

Ghost Adventures – Pythian Castle – S15E11

image Striking out to Springfield, Missouri, Zak and his team investigate the Pythian Castle, built in 1913 for the Knights of Pythias. It has since been an orphanage, nursing home, tuberculosis ward and interrogation center for prisoners of war. It is claimed that 100 deaths have occurred in the hospital (most of which would be due to tuberculosis not something demonic), including suicide by gunshot to the head with a rifle and a man who slit his own throat. These last two most likely brought about by mental suffering.

There has been a more recent suicide, and one that came with a premonition. Cindy, a tour guide, says she had a dream about her brother’s death while staying in the castle for two nights. She also saw a floating, "white lady" in the bedroom.

We later hear that Cindy’s brother suffered from depression and took his life three weeks after staying in the house. Zak is clearly trying to link that sad event to the castle. And a premonition about a troubled sibling doesn’t sound mystical either.

During the interviews, Zak hears a whistle-a siren call of evil tidings, and a jumbled voice he takes for a German prisoner. This is followed by the explanation that a heavy radiator fell over the same night Cindy’s brother died. How is a radiator falling over and a death linked? A radiator falling over is due to a weak floor not spirit energy.

Moving to the POW area, Zak and only Zak, sees a head with glowing orange eyes. When asking what it was, he gets a reply of "a demon." This is followed by, "don’t tease it". This confirms Zak’s suspicions they are dealing with a sinister web of evil, full of dark and powerful entities.

Zak claims a Doppelganger is at work, and this entity has caused people to take their lives, rather than illness. This is confirmed by cold air as Jay and Zak talk about two previous suicides in the early 40s.

To start the investigation, Jay is locked in the POW basement area. It’s so frightening he falls asleep. However, he is woken up by a loud bang that Zak feels is caused by the ball of light he sees on the camera.

With Jay napping, Zak, Aaron and Billy head to the bedroom where Cindy stayed. Stumbling in the dark, Billy hits a chest by the bed. The pain incites a stick figure to appear on the wall for just an instant. This is followed by a pricking in Zak’s thumb. (It’s too easy to make a joke about that one)

To coincide with this, Zak, like dozens of time before, says he has an intense wave of panic, doom and aggression. He then commands the entity to leave him alone. He asks who the entity wants and what it is, but only gets garbled noises in reply. When asking if anyone is in danger, he feels the reply is "we’re coming". When Billy sits in the room, he hears a female voice, but again, it’s garbled.

Moving deeper into the building, Aaron heads into the basement tunnels, because it looks creepy on camera, not because anything happened down there. His walkie talkie makes a blip of a noise and he hears what sounds like a leaf rustling. Most likely it’s a mouse or rat or some other wayward animal.

Finally, to test the power and might of the entity that knocked over a 600 pound radiator, Zak sets up some blocks. While nothing happens to the blocks, he gets yet another light anomaly sweeping down into the camera shot.

What we end up with are entities that are so dark, so sinister, so powerful, that they can’t form a coherent word on any of Zak’s devices. The location is also so filled with dark energy that Jay falls asleep. In his delirium of being locked in the dark, he feels he sees extra terrestrials. This shows how easily the mind can be tricked.

While the recent suicide is sad, it has nothing to do with the castle, despite the links Zak is trying to make.

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Ghost Adventures – Museum of the Mountain West – S15E10

ga-museum-of-the-mountain-west It’s time for Montrose, Colorado and a visit to the Museum of the Mountain West, a series of 20 buildings brought together to house 500,00 western artifacts. These buildings have a dark past with multiple documented deaths, including The Murder House. Zak feels all these items with dark energy have created a vortex of trouble.

They begin by talking with Rich, the owner, who says a woman named Wanda died in the very room they’re standing in. Mind you, she died of documented medical problems, not supernatural forces. After she passed, a broken clock started working. Three days later when she was buried, the clock stopped again.

Bob, the activities director, shares that he’s been suffering a series of medical conditions over the 13 years he’s worked at the museum. So too has Cody, a tour guide. But neither have left their jobs. Rather than a medical condition or environmental factors, Zak says dark energy causes these ailments.

They next meet with Dr Mark Todd, who brought students to investigate the museum. Together, they go the carriage house where a Native American was supposedly hung and a man supposedly died from a kick to the head by a horse.

Their final guest is Hector, who investigated the Murder House at it’s original location. They get a few blips and believe one says, "to the basement" when asked about the bodies.

It is interesting to note, Zak says there are multiple "documented" deaths. However, as they discuss each story, each is preceded with, "The story goes". This includes the main story of a man killing his wife and family in the "murder house". Jay does research using actual news sources and there isn’t a story that matches the "legend" of the house. There are two tragic stories, with one being "close" that happened decades ago. Neither story is linked to the house they’re investigating.

With these dubious stories in mind, they start off the investigation by sending Jay to the carriage house while Zak, Billy and Aaron head to the main museum where Wanda died.

As Zak stands at the end of the pool table, they get the word, "ghost’ on the Talking EVP Device. This is followed by "guy", "shot", "cough", "George" and "Kate". At the same time, Zak says he sees a black mass, but as always, it’s behind the camera. Oddly, none of these reference Wanda and come across as random words.

We have another example of a board falling which is attributed to supernatural forces. Zak believes the SLS camera captures a figure kicking a board down the stairs. Billy shows where the board was, and how easily it can be moved, but firmly says that’s what happened.

For a final piece of evidence, Zak hears a growl and nearly falls over. To find out what manner of terrible creature made it, he sends Aaron down the hall by himself, while he hangs back like a coward. What happens next should have been seen from a mile away.

Like so many other episodes, Aaron feels weird, gets a headache, then has stabbing pains in his arm and neck. He claims something is touching him, which Zak says is dark energy. It’s all too much pain and suffering so Aaron goes outside. He doesn’t need any medical help though, he needs to investigate the murder house.

Billy and Aaron get a female voice, followed by a male voice. However, they’ve run out of time and bring the night to a close.

While it looks to be a really interesting place, it’s hard to say if they’ve captured anything of substance. Having documented deaths isn’t really an accurate statement. The power of "Wanda" didn’t materialize like they hoped. Aaron gets his usual stabbing pains. And Jay is left along in a carriage house to uncover footsteps.

None of this falls into the "dark energy" category that’s for sure.

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Haunted Towns – McDonough GA – S01E08

haunted-towns-mcdonough-ga The next, and final stop for Haunted Towns and TWC is McDonough, GA and the site a train crash in 1900 that killed 39 people. Those who perished in the wreck were laid out in the town square to be claimed by family members. Since then, people have heard a phantom train whistle, heard voices, seen apparitions and shadow figures. They don’t say where, just that they happen.

Since they aren’t allowed to film or investigate at the actual site, they settle for whatever location the citizens offer. That puts them in contact with Jill who has a doll she “thinks”, “might” be related to someone who “could” have been on the train.

Jill claims to have seen a shadow man when she was a child. The activity increased when she got Claire, the doll. Jill also claims Claire was able to turn and look at her and was able to move in her little rocking chair.

Since this is the hot spot, they start the investigation in her room. However, Chris and Porter get nothing of consequence in there. Moving on, they check out her brother’s room.

As we’ve seen repeated in other episodes, Porter sees a shadow. Perhaps that should be the title of a children’s book.

Things progress as they claim the bed shakes and they hear scratching in the walls. Chris is probably correct when he says it’s an animal. But then the temperature gauge proves it’s malfunctioning by dropping down to 16 degrees.

When Brannon and Doogie investigate the brother’s room, they hear their names on the device. However, there is no shadow man, no moving rocking chair, no doll twisting it’s head.

And speaking of names, note again the words on the dictionary they don’t mention. It’s pretty clear this device spews random words and they selectively choose those which enhance their story.

For Day 2, they head to the Dulac Cafe, former bank and mortuary, and the Old Post Office. Since they overlook the town square where the bodies were laid out, they believe there is activity and residual energy.

This doesn’t really turn out to be the case, as their temperature gauge malfunctions again by rocketing up to 1000+ degrees. And again, Porter sees yet another figure sitting at a desk. It looks like a malformed blob, but they squint real hard and claim there is a body shape.

Back at Dulac’s, where Greg has been hamming it up for the cameras, they get more ridiculous readings. This time it’s 177 on the EMF meter. Out of nowhere they get the word, “explain.” They also get “husband” and “bomb” but decide to ignore those since they don’t make any sense. I suppose they could explain how someone’s husband had a bomb. Or not, since that’s just silly.

At the end, they really don’t capture anything except the now predictable claim of Porter seeing a shadow. Jill offered up some rather dubious stories of a shadow man and some wild claims about a doll, but there is nothing to support any of that. And again, she doesn’t even know if that doll came from that ill-fated train. Greg offers up a few stories, but you can tell from his sly smile, he knew it was nonsense.

For a town awash in tragedy, they come up empty on this one.

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Ghost Adventures – Albion Normal School – S15E09

By Ntsimp - Own work, CC0, Halloween may be past, but the Ghost Adventures team are off to Albion, in Southern Idaho, to visit the Albion Normal School, now a Halloween attraction with Satanic overtones. At least according to Zak.

The school opened in 1863 and educated children for 60 years before going through multiples owners until it become abandoned.  Once closed, the property went through several hands before being abandoned. That’s when, according to Zak, the Satanists moved in.

In the 80s, during the "Satanic Panic" where zealots and the uneducated saw Satanic symbols, rituals and themes everywhere, the building was "rumored" to have been the site of rituals.

That aside, they meet with Heather, who explains that an employee sitting at a table suddenly had a grotesque seizure. Heather corrects herself saying it was a seizure or possession. When the same man comes back two years later and has another seizure-demonic influence.

As they start the investigation, they find a very crude pentagram on the wall. It’s amazing how Zak can be so influenced by man made symbols spray painted by mindless vandals. Zak puts his spirit box over it and gets the words, "watch out". When he asks what they need to watch out for, they get a reply of "you’ll be killed". Spooky stuff indeed, almost like he planned it.

Aaron puts his hand on the symbol, because Zak has stated it’s now a portal. Surprise, Aaron has burning in his hands and one is supposedly hotter than the other. The same reaction can be done by slapping your hand.

They next bring in Dallon, who confirms he has had the same feelings. To show his bravado, he touches the symbol and on cue, Jay is outside clutching what looks like a spider bite behind his ear. To show solidarity, Dallon says his ears is causing pain.

For Day 2, they meet with Heather to explain how Jay and Dallon have been marked. Jay has scratches to form X and I, while Dallon has two vertical scratches. Zak makes the revelation they comprise 5 lines and when taken apart and twisted, they can form an upside down pentagram! That is an astonishing leap.

Like so many other investigations, Zak says he feels ill and not himself. As he is lying down, Aaron breaks in and says he heard the gymnasium door slam and a voice call his name. He goes to investigate to find a slew of haunted decorations.

Zak then heads to Comish Hall where he and Billy hear footsteps. Zak refers to this as "a goatman walking around on it’s hooves." This is followed by Billy hearing knocks and thinks something is on the other side of the wall. There probably is, a raccoon.

Fixating on the pentagram, Zak sees there is a "crypt" under the fireplace, where ritualistic remains are buried. Two blips on the device are all he’s needs for confirmation.

Next, it’s the Spirit Sweep device, which looks like an iPad hooked up to a speaker. It could be programmed to make all sorts of noises from the great beyond. But, it’s silent until Zak places it in front of the pentagram, then he gets the sounds of "a male voice performing a ritual or sacrifice".

In the final minutes, they split up, each taking a building. This gives us three stand out moments. One is when Aaron gets molested by one of the utterly creepy Halloween props. The second is the ridiculously cliche act of Zak brandishing a crucifix like some sort of avenger. And finally, when there is a loud bang and instead of standing his ground against evil, which he isn’t afraid of, Zak soils his pants, and runs at a full sprint in the other direction.

Before buying into the Satanic hype, let’s review the evidence.

They get the words, "you’ll be killed" when a device is strategically placed over a poorly drawn pentagram.
Jay and Dallon have scratches that Zak says make a pentagram. Or they could make a tic-tac-toe board.
They hear footsteps and a loud bang in a building loaded with debris.
They find a hole under a fireplace.

And all of this at a haunted Halloween attraction. Clearly there’s no financial gain to this investigation…

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