Ghost Adventures – Eureka Mining Town – S15E14

Ghost-Adventures-jackson-hotelOut on the lonely roads of Nevada, Zak and team visit the Jackson Hotel and the Eureka Saloon, in the town of Eureka. Established in 1864, it was a boon town for silver, producing massive amounts and employing workers from multiple nationalities. Zak is hunting for the "dark energy that effects every building in this town."

They first talk with the hotel owner Kim, who explains that guests check out within minutes because of a heaviness and feeling of being threatened. Guests leave because the rooms look like crap and don’t have air conditioning.

As Zak goes to the Jackson suite, hotspot for all the activity, he gets the phrase "can’t talk" and "entity". This proves there is an oppressive spirit that won’t let the other entities talk.

Next is a completely pointless interview with Adam, who wants to be dark and mysterious about the entity in the hotel. He knows who it is, but isn’t allowed to say. Some hints, but no name.

This is followed by an interview with Allie who says she has problems sleeping and suffers short term memory loss because of a scratch she got from an entity while cleaning the bathroom. Both of these would be medical conditions, not side effects of the paranormal.

Zak moves to the Eureka Saloon to speak with Richard, who immediately identifies the person Adam was so mysterious about as Angelo C Florio, previous owner of the Jackson Hotel.

The Eureka Saloon is over what is known as the "Underground Cathedral" as series of tunnels built by the Chinese workers of the day. Aaron and Jay linger in the tunnels and Aaron feels something push them apart. In the replay, Aaron reacts to Jays outstretched hand rather than something ethereal.

Since there are two locations, they split into groups with Zak and Billy in the hotel, while Aaron and Jay take the saloon.

After a long pause of silence, Aaron finds a tied up cord of wire in the shape of a noose. This immediately prompts the spirit box to say, "hang" and then "reverend." That’s not really a noose, but an electrical cord twisted up so it doesn’t dangle to the floor. But it looks neat in the dark, so go ahead and call it a noose.

Since they are so scared of this wire, they bring out the rosary they just happen to be carrying in it’s box. Once on the noose, Aaron says it smells like urine. Pretty convenient. They don’t stay as some sort of noise forces them to run down the stairs.

It’s then time for the "cathedral", but not before leaving a bible on the bar counter. Conveniently again, they get the word "bible" on the Ovilus, which is followed by "reverend." Zak is "blown away" by the coincidence. But there’s more as "bury" and "under" appear. This creates the story of a reverend that was hanged and buried in the cathedral under the saloon. Quite a story. Too bad they didn’t check the papers to confirm.

Back upstairs, they ask the entity to knock over the Bible. This doesn’t happen, but they hear a noise, which finally gives us Aaron claiming he’s going to throw up.

In the Jackson Hotel, Zak and Billy head to the Jackson Suite, where Kim claims the entity caused a mirror to fall. No mirror falls, but they hear a noise and almost run out.

This prompts the usual reaction of Zak saying something is around him and he doesn’t feel good. In the Suite itself, the SLS camera detects a stick figure for a fraction of a second. Zak sends Billy into the bathroom rather than investigating himself.

Moments later, a stick figure jumps on Billy, which he sees as black swirls in the mirror. Amidst the yelling and hysterics from Zak, Billy freaks out and runs from the bathroom.

Now that they’ve made contact with something, they bring out the Spirit Sweep Device and sit in the hallway rather than the room itself.

With all the fiddling Billy has done to the device, there is a massive amount of reverb so all the sounds have a ghostly echo to them. While they don’t get anything, the hairs on Billy’s arm standing on end proves there is an evil entity.

For another experiment, Zak fogs up the mirror in the bathroom. Why? Because Kim, who’s watched too many horror movies, claims the words, "I am watching you" appeared in a fogged up mirror.

As the steam clings to the mirror, Zak shows the letters AMF and two dark eyes from a face. What is the significance of AMF? That’s AC’s first name, and the F is for Florio. Despite what Billy is yelling, AC is not a first name. A is Angelo. C is the middle initial. Billy has it completely wrong.

Further, words can appear in a fogged up mirror from the dust they collect. Also, someone playing around or being an ass, could have easily used their mortal and earthly finger to play a prank and now it shows up the mirror for other guests. Not paranormal.

Finally, Zak makes a stand against AC, which again isn’t his name, to stop being evil. This causes Zak to have a coughing fit resulting from Angelo channeling himself through Zak as a mysterious vapor.

The nonsense speaks for itself.

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Ghost Adventures – Wolf Creek Inn – S15E13

image Leaving Missouri, Zak and team head to Oregon, to investigate the Wolf Creek Inn, where a legendary vampire entity roams the woods. There are several reports of murders, which may be attributed to this creature.

As Zak talks with Mark and Margaret, they hear footsteps above them. Their daughter Marcy, claims to have seen and heard a female spirit and even shows a blurred photo of her. These events draw them to a back hallway, which Margaret says has negativity associated with it. Zak quickly claims this hallway is a portal and the little girl is a demonic entity. This is proven when he gets a case of hives brought on by evil forces.

While discussing the history of the house and the dark events, Jay makes an absurd comment that a Native American was hanged to "christen" the house. Paranormal investigator, Madonna, confirms this was Native American land and feels there is a trickster entity lurking around.

Keeping with the usual trend, as they start the investigation, Zak sees a light anomaly, which he thinks is a girl’s hand reaching out. As he moves upstairs, he claims to see a dark entity and feel a cold spot. For an instant, the SLS camera picks up the usual stick figure, but nothing further. And is the habit, Billy says he feels dizzy and something is up there with them.

Downstairs, Aaron says there is an energy around him. Zak feels another cold spot and again says he sees a hand reaching out. In this same space, Billy says something is coming up on him, and Zak confirms this with a thermal imaging blob, that looks like a reflection, behind Billy.

After regrouping, Billy and Aaron head upstairs to the supposed portal and make a "mind blowing discovery." This turns out to be plastic drink tops that have fallen off the shelf, causing a loud bang. And it’s easy to see why they fell, as the shelves are all leaning forward at a noticeable angle.

For the final part, they will split up to see if the plastic top throwing entity of darkness will prey upon them individually. Aaron goes outside to lure the vampire entity. Billy goes to the parlor to use the Talking EVP. Zak goes upstairs where Margaret said she felt they weren’t alone.

It’s no surprise that Billy gets nothing. And no shocker that Zak sees yet another light anomaly and feels a cold spot. And of course, Aaron gets a headache, admits he is scared out of his mind and begins to behave as though he’s in a trance. In fact, he’s so out of it, he drops his camera-a sure sign he’s being manipulated.

With all of the dark entities that were never seen, and all the cold spots that were never recorded, and the objects falling off a leaning shelf, Zak believes they have documented a dark energy that can move objects, mimic other entities and psychologically effect the human mind.

And you also have to ask yourself, just how many demonic portals are out there?

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Ghost Adventures – Titanic Museum – S15E12

image Continuing their adventures in Missouri, Zak, Aaron, Billy and Jay investigate the Titanic Museum in Branson. It hosts 400 artifacts from the Titanic, from life jackets to a Bible. Visitors claim to see apparitions and hear voices.

To start, they speak with Jamie who claims she sees John Jacob Astor on the grand staircase. She says it’s John, not because of evidence, but because there is a replica of his bedroom at the top of the stairs. Zak speaks with another guide, Alexis, and while doing so, phantom hand prints appear on the glass. No one could have missed a spot, or inadvertently rested their hand, it’s the prints of a child lost on the Titanic.

Finally, Rob shows off a Bible from Reverend Bateman, which he gave to his his sister-in-law, to give to his wife as he knew he wouldn’t make it off the ship.

Since Zak offered toys to the child spirits, he goes to a toy museum, not a toy store, to buy toys. This leads to an idiotic segment of Zak not being able to buy rare toys. Since the children are denied, they cause the store train to derail. Despite the paranormal angle, that incident was caused by the oddly placed dinosaur in the car getting caught up in the bar attaching the rail to the ceiling.

As they finally get to the investigation, Zak is on the hunt for phantom hand prints. Billy and Jay try to make contact with the musicians in the gallery.

Zak points the SLS at the windows on the promenade and it’s no surprise he gets a stick figure. Upon investigation, despite repeatedly saying they cleaned the windows (which don’t look clean at all), there is a hand print, complete with swirls and ridges on the finger. Who knew that phantom prints would look just like mortal prints?

Since the child is on the move, Billy and Aaron put out cookies. When they turn on the Ovilus, they get “female”. When asked how old she is, they get “six”. This is followed by “eat” which refers to the candy. Then the child gets a more robust vocabulary and uses the word, “descend”, which Billy says is to the bottom of the ocean. Nothing dramatic about that is there?

Moving to another area, Zak and Jay hear something vibrating, which turns out to be a loose sheet of glass with the words, “Iceberg, right ahead.” They naturally take this as a sign and that they were drawn there.

At the same time, Zak claims to see a child dart across the room wearing a life vest. What are the odds that Zak is standing in front of the child memorial when he makes this claim? Since he would have seen it in the daylight, it’s amazing he would make it back there at night. And as they turn on the spirit box, a high pitched blip is said to be a child voice saying “peek-a-boo.”

While Billy and Aaron set up in another area, they get “kid” on the Talking EVP Device, followed by the word “sister”. This lets them draw the conclusion that the blob they see on their imager is a child poking it’s head around the corner, looking for it’s sister.

With these pieces of evidence, captured from reflective surfaces, Zak firmly believes that the artifacts are drawing the children back from their watery graves.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with saying your Titanic attraction is haunted to bring a touch more revenue.

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Ghost Adventures – Pythian Castle – S15E11

image Striking out to Springfield, Missouri, Zak and his team investigate the Pythian Castle, built in 1913 for the Knights of Pythias. It has since been an orphanage, nursing home, tuberculosis ward and interrogation center for prisoners of war. It is claimed that 100 deaths have occurred in the hospital (most of which would be due to tuberculosis not something demonic), including suicide by gunshot to the head with a rifle and a man who slit his own throat. These last two most likely brought about by mental suffering.

There has been a more recent suicide, and one that came with a premonition. Cindy, a tour guide, says she had a dream about her brother’s death while staying in the castle for two nights. She also saw a floating, "white lady" in the bedroom.

We later hear that Cindy’s brother suffered from depression and took his life three weeks after staying in the house. Zak is clearly trying to link that sad event to the castle. And a premonition about a troubled sibling doesn’t sound mystical either.

During the interviews, Zak hears a whistle-a siren call of evil tidings, and a jumbled voice he takes for a German prisoner. This is followed by the explanation that a heavy radiator fell over the same night Cindy’s brother died. How is a radiator falling over and a death linked? A radiator falling over is due to a weak floor not spirit energy.

Moving to the POW area, Zak and only Zak, sees a head with glowing orange eyes. When asking what it was, he gets a reply of "a demon." This is followed by, "don’t tease it". This confirms Zak’s suspicions they are dealing with a sinister web of evil, full of dark and powerful entities.

Zak claims a Doppelganger is at work, and this entity has caused people to take their lives, rather than illness. This is confirmed by cold air as Jay and Zak talk about two previous suicides in the early 40s.

To start the investigation, Jay is locked in the POW basement area. It’s so frightening he falls asleep. However, he is woken up by a loud bang that Zak feels is caused by the ball of light he sees on the camera.

With Jay napping, Zak, Aaron and Billy head to the bedroom where Cindy stayed. Stumbling in the dark, Billy hits a chest by the bed. The pain incites a stick figure to appear on the wall for just an instant. This is followed by a pricking in Zak’s thumb. (It’s too easy to make a joke about that one)

To coincide with this, Zak, like dozens of time before, says he has an intense wave of panic, doom and aggression. He then commands the entity to leave him alone. He asks who the entity wants and what it is, but only gets garbled noises in reply. When asking if anyone is in danger, he feels the reply is "we’re coming". When Billy sits in the room, he hears a female voice, but again, it’s garbled.

Moving deeper into the building, Aaron heads into the basement tunnels, because it looks creepy on camera, not because anything happened down there. His walkie talkie makes a blip of a noise and he hears what sounds like a leaf rustling. Most likely it’s a mouse or rat or some other wayward animal.

Finally, to test the power and might of the entity that knocked over a 600 pound radiator, Zak sets up some blocks. While nothing happens to the blocks, he gets yet another light anomaly sweeping down into the camera shot.

What we end up with are entities that are so dark, so sinister, so powerful, that they can’t form a coherent word on any of Zak’s devices. The location is also so filled with dark energy that Jay falls asleep. In his delirium of being locked in the dark, he feels he sees extra terrestrials. This shows how easily the mind can be tricked.

While the recent suicide is sad, it has nothing to do with the castle, despite the links Zak is trying to make.

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